

Jump Writing’s unique instruction process was created by educators with master’s degrees from the Stanford School of Education and the Stanford Teacher Education Program. Our educational best-practices and personalized programs are designed to further advance students who already thrive in writing, and jumpstart those who need a little extra help.

The program utilizes writing assessment tools to customize each student’s learning journey. Scores in grammar, spelling, sentence fluency, and vocabulary allow personalized instruction across various categories. If a student is gifted grammatically but flummoxed in fluency, their instruction in each is tailored to make sure they remain appropriately instructed and challenged. Personalized learning plans are created for each student based on assessments by credentialed teachers and computer analytics.

Jump Writing was founded by the team that brought you Adventures in Writing Camp. Since 2013, Adventures in Writing Camp has been providing writing education to campers in grades 1- 8, with an emphasis on the writing process. We created Jump Writing in response to parent requests for a program that helps students continue to grow and thrive as writers year-round!

A Sample 50 Minute Session

After logging on to Zoom, a student will be placed into a breakout room with a writing coach and up to two other students. The Jump Coach will rotate between the three students, assisting one while the other two work on their learning tasks. Curriculum for each session is divided between three activities: 1) writing & feedback, 2) computer-based grammar & conventions practice, 3) and portfolio writing or homework help.

5 min: Before the session

Students may log in to the Jump platform 5 minutes before their scheduled start time. At the start time, students will be placed into breakout rooms with a Jump Writing Coach and up to two other students.

10 min: One-on-One Mini Lesson with Jump Coach

A sequential lesson and activity based on your student’s assessed ability.

Writing takes place in Google Docs. Writing assignments are aimed at developing familiarity and skill with some of the most commonly requested grade-level-appropriate writing formats: opinion, persuasive, research, summary, and journal writing, as well as the 5-sentence paragraph and 5-paragraph essay.

20 min: The Fundamentals Behind the Fun

Using computer based (IXL) exercises, students practice reading strategies, vocabulary, writing strategies, and grammar and conventions (i.e. spelling). As mastery is achieved in various writing skills, the computer will automatically update the practice skills, phasing out mastered skills and adding in new skills.

20 min: Application of Mini Lesson / Homework Help

Students apply the day’s mini-lesson to their portfolio project.  Depending on where they are in the process they will be completing a first draft, revision, or final draft. Students’ writing is then assessed using a rubric that considers Ideas, Sentence Fluency, Organization, Word Choice, Voice, Conventions and Presentation (The 6+1 Traits of Writing).

Your child’s  coach will determine if your child has demonstrated the intended mastery of the day’s concepts. If there are areas requiring additional refinement, your child will receive additional instruction/activities in that area. If the coach determines that a child has indeed demonstrated proficiency in the day’s skills, they will have the option to spend the remaining time on writing-related school homework, or to use the time composing their own story or other written piece. If the student selects the homework option, the Coach will provide guidance and direction around the skills needed for the assignment, but will not do the homework for the student. If the student selects the composition option, they will have the ability to continue to add to their story each session and receive feedback from their Coach.