
Category: Opinion

The Amazing Lacrosse Experience by Kasey M.

Imagine yourself smoothly sprinting down a turf field, cradling the ball, and gripping your lacrosse stick, since you are determined to not drop the ball.  You then make a pass to a friend who is wide open.   She caught it!  YES!  We are definitely going to win this! You think with excitement.  Just then, you hear WHOOSH!  Your head whips around and you get a glimpse of the ball, flying into the net and the goalie trying to save it and then. . .  SCORE!  Don’t you wish you could have that amazing and outstanding experience?  If you wish you could, lacrosse is the sport for you.  I take the position that lacrosse is the best sport for kids.  There are many reasons, but a few are that it’s popular, it’s easy to learn, and finally, it’s good for your health.

First, lacrosse is the best sport for kids because lacrosse is popular and gives you a hobby.  Most kids at my school play lacrosse as a spring sport and extremely enjoy it.  Lacrosse is guaranteed to give you something to do because you have around 2 practices a week and 1 or 2 games on the weekend.  You can also just do a clinic, once a week. You can even just have a lacrosse stick and a ball, and can just play lacrosse as a hobby and lacrosse will always give you something to do.  Once you are old enough, you will try out to be on a more advanced team, commonly the A team and if you don’t make it, you go to the B team.  According to en.wikipedia.org, lacrosse was originally played by the Native Americans before European exploration and is most popular in the north-east and mid-Atlantic areas in the U.S. This shows that lacrosse has been in the U.S. for a while and where it is most popular.  One time, my lacrosse team had a scrimmage against another town.  We have so many kids,  I thought.  How are we going to fit everyone in one game?  I asked my dad, and he said that since we had so many girls, he had the other town bring 2 teams instead of 1, and that we would split into 2 teams also.  I was happy that some of us would not have had to sit out of the game.  Also, lacrosse is popular because you can play it as a spring sport, you can play for your town, you can play for your school if they offer it, and you can play for a club team.  You can even play it as a spring sport and be on a club team!  You may be thinking that you have never watched lacrosse in your life. I’m saying that it is not necessarily popular that way, but as a sport for kids to play, it is definitely popular that way.

My next reason why lacrosse is the best sport for kids is that lacrosse is really easy to learn and understand the concepts of how to play.  You only have to learn how to catch, throw, shoot, and pick up ground balls.  Making complete passes may be hard at first, but you understand how to.  It is hard because you are probably passing correctly, but you don’t have as much control, and when you are catching, you don’t really know how to move and adjust so the ball goes into your stick.  Lacrosse is also easy to learn because you can practice at home no matter what.  You may want to get a rebounder so you can pass with yourself if you don’t have a sibling who also plays, but that is the only piece of equipment that you need, because even if you want to shoot on goal, you can use any kind of net to do so. Also, according to lacrossepack.com, kids are recommended to start lacrosse at the age 7. This shows that you can start learning at such an early age. Lacrosse is so simple to learn, that once, when I was in second grade, I asked my sister to teach me how to play lacrosse.  She taught me how to get a ground ball and pass. I was not making complete passes, but after a week or so, I understood how to, and I was an expert on ground balls.  Some people may be thinking, well, maybe you have a sibling but I don’t!  How am I going to learn to do stuff like ground balls?  Even though you may not have a sibling, you could do other stuff to learn how to, including stuff like youtube videos.  Also, if you start lacrosse at an early age, the coach will teach you how to.  You could even just play with a friend or a parent!  The set-up is also simple.  For younger girls lacrosse, the set-up is 8 players on a field at a time. There is one goalie, 2 attacks (offense), 3 middies, and 2 defenders, but you would need more like 20 girls on a team so you can sub people out.  This shows that you need a handful of kids just to play a game but it is so easy to learn that many kids sign-up.

My final reason lacrosse is the best sport for kids is that lacrosse is good for your health.  Lacrosse is so helpful to your health, because you get exercise and fresh air.  It is good for your health, because one time, I was sprinting down the field. I had just gotten the ball, and I was trying to run to the other side of the field so my team could score.  I passed to my friend and she took a shot at the goal.  I was really tired, and I took in gulps of fresh air, breathing heavily.  As I took a deep breath in, the fresh air filled my lungs.   According to cdc.gov, a kid should get 1 hour or more of exercise each day.  This is important because it shows that lacrosse is such a simple way to get all the exercise you need per day.  Some people may say, how is this guaranteed that I will get fresh air and exercise?  Lacrosse is guaranteed to give you fresh air and exercise because games are always at least an hour and practice  could be an hour, or an hour and a half.  The different types of exercise that lacrosse provides is you can run, and pass.  Playing lacrosse ensures that you will get the exercise that you need, maybe even a tiny bit more!  Lacrosse is also safe for both boys and girls to play.  Lacrosse is safe for girls, because you have to wear mouthguards, cleats, and goggles.  Cleats are worn so we don’t slip.  However, boys have to wear padding, helmets, mouthguards, cleats and goggles.  Boys have the extra equipment because they are allowed to check at an early age and eventually they are also allowed to body check which girls are never allowed to do.  Lacrosse is really safe for you to play and good for your health.

Once again, I think that lacrosse is the best sport for kids.  It is the best sport for kids because it’s popular, it’s easy to learn, and it is good for your health.  If you don’t already play lacrosse, you should go and ask your parents to learn and play lacrosse! 

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Eileen Will November 12, 2021 0 Comments

Je j’adore la Paris by Erin K.

Do you like beautiful sights, art, and monuments? If so, Paris is the place for you.  In my opinion, Paris, France is one of the best places to visit for your vacation. It has many amazing monuments, you can buy lots of awesome souvenirs, and there are lots of great places to take photos. 

Firstly, Paris has amazing monuments, like the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is the most well known monument in Paris. The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be a temporary installation, intended to stand for 20 years, after being built for the 1889 World Fair. According to https://www.toureiffel.paris/, it took 2 years, 2 months, and 5 days to build.  That is amazing, considering they did not have modern tools. Looking at the monument, you can imagine how hard people worked to create the beautiful sight. The Sainte Chapelle is one of many pretty monuments from Paris. The Sainte Chapelle is a church with beautiful stained glass windows.  If you ever visit Paris you should visit the Sainte Chappelle because it has beautiful architecture, such as a dome ceiling and it’s very tall. One of my favorite things to do would be re-imagining the monuments and drawing them.

Next, you can buy lots of awesome souvenirs in Paris.  Souvenirs include snow globes, music boxes, and keychains. One example is, my mom bought my little sister a plastic snow globe and it was beautiful. Plastic snow globes are easier to transport because they are made out of plastic. We brought it on many trips and have made lots of memories with it. You can also collect fallen parts of monuments, like a shard of glass from the Sainte Chappelle or a scrap of metal from the Eiffel Tower. Other things you can buy are clothes. According to https://www.encyclopedia.com/fashion/, Paris is the land of fashion! You can buy clothes at different stores including Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent.

Lastly, there are lots of beautiful places to take photos. This is important because photos are things you can look at from the past, you can use them for Christmas cards, or any type of card.  For example, you can take pictures at the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and the Sainte Chapelle. These places are beautiful day or night. For example, during the day, the Eiffel Tower casts a beautiful shadow, and in the night it is lit up.  I’ve never been there but my mom has. She said it looked like the Eiffel Tower was made out of sparkly, shiny gold. Cool right?! For the Sainte Chappelle, during the day, you can watch the light shine through the stained glass. During the night it is closed, but you can still look at it from the outside. The Arc De Triomphe has beautiful statues and there is a road underneath so you can drive under it.

Paris is one of the best places for your vacation. Some people say that Paris is too expensive. However, it’s worth the memories and fun you have when you’re there. Paris is the prime place for your vacation because it has many amazing monuments, you can buy lots of awesome souvenirs, and there are lots of beautiful places to take photos. Why are you still here reading?! Go to your local train station or airport and head to Paris!

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